there is an error when trying to access the web, suddenly cannot access the web app
An error occurred while starting the application.
.NET Core 4.6.27817.03 X64 v4.0.0.0 | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting version 2.2.0-rtm-35687 | Linux 4.15.0-76-generic #86-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 17:24:28 UTC 2020 | Need help?
How do I figure out what the issue is?
/var/aspnetcore/GrandNode/logs/stdout shows nothing about the error
Thank you
An error occurred while starting the application.
Friday, January 31, 2025 1:21:36 AM
nothing seems wrong in appsetings.json file too
"Hosting": {
//Set to "true" the settings below if your hosting uses a load balancer. It'll be used to determine whether the current request is HTTPS
"UseHttpClusterHttps": true,
"UseHttpXForwardedProto": true,
//Use the setting below if your hosting doesn't use "X-FORWARDED-FOR" header to determine IP address.
//In some cases server use other HTTP header. You can specify a custom HTTP header here. For example, CF-Connecting-IP, X-FORWARDED-PROTO, etc
"ForwardedHttpHeader": "",
//Use a reverse proxy server - more information you can find at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/linux-nginx?view=aspnetcore-2.1
"UseForwardedHeaders": true
"Grand": {
//Enable if you want to see the full error in production environment. It's ignored (always enabled) in development environment
"DisplayFullErrorStack": false,
//Value of "Cache-Control" header value for static content
"StaticFilesCacheControl": "public,max-age=604800",
//Indicates whether to compress response (gzip by default)
//You may want to disable it, for example, If you have an active IIS Dynamic Compression Module configured at the server level
"UseResponseCompression": false,
//This settings adds the following headers to all responses that pass
//X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
//Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
//X-Frame-Options: Deny
//X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
//Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
//Content-Security-Policy: object-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none'
"UseDefaultSecurityHeaders": true,
//Flag for whether to enable html minification
"UseHtmlMinification": false,
//Load url rewrite rules from external file AppData/UrlRewrite.xml
"UseUrlRewrite": false,
"UrlRewriteHttpsOptions": false,
"UrlRewriteHttpsOptionsStatusCode": 303,
"UrlRewriteHttpsOptionsPort": 443,
"UrlRedirectToHttpsPermanent": false,
//HTTP Strict Transport Security Protocol
"UseHsts": false,
//We recommend all ASP.NET Core web apps call HTTPS Redirection Middleware to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
"UseHttpsRedirection": false,
"HttpsRedirectionRedirect": 308,
"HttpsRedirectionHttpsPort": 443,
//Enable the session-based TempData provider
"UseSessionStateTempDataProvider": false,
//Web farm support.
//Enable "MultipleInstancesEnabled" if you run multiple instances.
//Enable "RunOnAzureWebApps" if you run on Windows Azure Web Apps (not cloud services)
"MultipleInstancesEnabled": false,
"RunOnAzureWebApps": false,
//Windows Azure BLOB storage.
//Specify your connection string, container name, end point for BLOB storage here
"AzureBlobStorageConnectionString": "",
"AzureBlobStorageContainerName": "",
"AzureBlobStorageEndPoint": "",
//Amazon Blob storage
//<!--Available Region System Names can be found here http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#apigateway_region -->
"AmazonAwsAccessKeyId": "",
"AmazonAwsSecretAccessKey": "",
"AmazonBucketName": "",
"AmazonRegion": "",
//Redis support (used by web farms, Azure, etc). Find more about it at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cache-dotnet-how-to-use-azure-redis-cache/
"RedisCachingEnabled": false,
"RedisCachingConnectionString": "localhost",
//You can get the latest version of user agent strings at http://browscap.org/
"UserAgentStringsPath": "~/App_Data/browscap.xml",
//Do not edit this element. For advanced users only
"PluginsIgnoredDuringInstallation": "",
//For developers - more info you can find at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/roslyn-sdk/
"Hosting": {
//Set to "true" the settings below if your hosting uses a load balancer. It'll be used to determine whether the current request is HTTPS
"UseHttpClusterHttps": true,
"UseHttpXForwardedProto": true,
//Use the setting below if your hosting doesn't use "X-FORWARDED-FOR" header to determine IP address.
//In some cases server use other HTTP header. You can specify a custom HTTP header here. For example, CF-Connecting-IP, X-FORWARDED-PROTO, etc
"ForwardedHttpHeader": "",
//Use a reverse proxy server - more information you can find at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/linux-nginx?view=aspnetcore-2.1
"UseForwardedHeaders": true
"Grand": {
//Enable if you want to see the full error in production environment. It's ignored (always enabled) in development environment
"DisplayFullErrorStack": false,
//Value of "Cache-Control" header value for static content
"StaticFilesCacheControl": "public,max-age=604800",
//Indicates whether to compress response (gzip by default)
//You may want to disable it, for example, If you have an active IIS Dynamic Compression Module configured at the server level
"UseResponseCompression": false,
//This settings adds the following headers to all responses that pass
//X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
//Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
//X-Frame-Options: Deny
//X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
//Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
//Content-Security-Policy: object-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none'
"UseDefaultSecurityHeaders": true,
//Flag for whether to enable html minification
"UseHtmlMinification": false,
//Load url rewrite rules from external file AppData/UrlRewrite.xml
"UseUrlRewrite": false,
"UrlRewriteHttpsOptions": false,
"UrlRewriteHttpsOptionsStatusCode": 303,
"UrlRewriteHttpsOptionsPort": 443,
"UrlRedirectToHttpsPermanent": false,
//HTTP Strict Transport Security Protocol
"UseHsts": false,
//We recommend all ASP.NET Core web apps call HTTPS Redirection Middleware to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
"UseHttpsRedirection": false,
"HttpsRedirectionRedirect": 308,
"HttpsRedirectionHttpsPort": 443,
//Enable the session-based TempData provider
"UseSessionStateTempDataProvider": false,
//Web farm support.
//Enable "MultipleInstancesEnabled" if you run multiple instances.
//Enable "RunOnAzureWebApps" if you run on Windows Azure Web Apps (not cloud services)
"MultipleInstancesEnabled": false,
"RunOnAzureWebApps": false,
//Windows Azure BLOB storage.
//Specify your connection string, container name, end point for BLOB storage here
"AzureBlobStorageConnectionString": "",
"AzureBlobStorageContainerName": "",
"AzureBlobStorageEndPoint": "",
//Amazon Blob storage
//<!--Available Region System Names can be found here http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#apigateway_region -->
"AmazonAwsAccessKeyId": "",
"AmazonAwsSecretAccessKey": "",
"AmazonBucketName": "",
"AmazonRegion": "",
//Redis support (used by web farms, Azure, etc). Find more about it at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cache-dotnet-how-to-use-azure-redis-cache/
"RedisCachingEnabled": false,
"RedisCachingConnectionString": "localhost",
//You can get the latest version of user agent strings at http://browscap.org/
"UserAgentStringsPath": "~/App_Data/browscap.xml",
//Do not edit this element. For advanced users only
"PluginsIgnoredDuringInstallation": "",
//For developers - more info you can find at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/roslyn-sdk/
///Enable minimal Progressive Web App.
"EnableProgressiveWebApp": true,
//CacheFirst = 0,
//CacheFirstSafe = 1,
//CacheFingerprinted = 2,
Minimal = 3,
//NetworkFirst = 4
"ServiceWorkerStrategy": 3,
//Use my request localization culture
"UseRequestLocalization": false,
"DefaultRequestCulture": "en-US",
//sample list
"SupportedCultures": [ "en-US", "pl" ],
//Indicates whether to ignore startup tasks
"IgnoreStartupTasks": false,
//Enable if you want to clear /Plugins/bin directory on application startup
"ClearPluginShadowDirectoryOnStartup": true,
//Allow to recompiling views on file change
"AllowRecompilingViewsOnFileChange": false,
//Indicates whether to ignore InstallUrlMiddleware
"IgnoreInstallUrlMiddleware": false,
//Indicates whether to ignore UsePoweredByMiddleware
"IgnoreUsePoweredByMiddleware": false
"Api": {
"Enabled": false,
"SecretKey": "your private secret key",
"ValidateIssuer": false,
"ValidIssuer": "",
"ValidateAudience": false,
"ValidAudience": "",
"ValidateLifetime": true,
"ValidateIssuerSigningKey": true,
"ExpiryInMinutes": 1440,
//generate system model
"SystemModel": true
"EnableProgressiveWebApp": true,
//CacheFirst = 0,
//CacheFirstSafe = 1,
//CacheFingerprinted = 2,
Minimal = 3,
//NetworkFirst = 4
"ServiceWorkerStrategy": 3,
//Use my request localization culture
"UseRequestLocalization": false,
"DefaultRequestCulture": "en-US",
//sample list
"SupportedCultures": [ "en-US", "pl" ],
//Indicates whether to ignore startup tasks
"IgnoreStartupTasks": false,
//Enable if you want to clear /Plugins/bin directory on application startup
"ClearPluginShadowDirectoryOnStartup": true,
//Allow to recompiling views on file change
"AllowRecompilingViewsOnFileChange": false,
//Indicates whether to ignore InstallUrlMiddleware
"IgnoreInstallUrlMiddleware": false,
//Indicates whether to ignore UsePoweredByMiddleware
"IgnoreUsePoweredByMiddleware": false
"Api": {
"Enabled": false,
"SecretKey": "your private secret key",
"ValidateIssuer": false,
"ValidIssuer": "",
"ValidateAudience": false,
"ValidAudience": "",
"ValidateLifetime": true,
"ValidateIssuerSigningKey": true,
"ExpiryInMinutes": 1440,
//generate system model
"SystemModel": true
i have after update 4.70 error (An error occurred while starting the application.
.NET Core 4.6.28207.03 X64 v4.0.0.0 | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting version 2.2.7-servicing-10089 | Linux 4.15.0 #1 SMP Mon Mar 16 15:39:59 MSK 2020 | )
what is here problem?
i have after update 4.70 error (An error occurred while starting the application.
.NET Core 4.6.28207.03 X64 v4.0.0.0 | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting version 2.2.7-servicing-10089 | Linux 4.15.0 #1 SMP Mon Mar 16 15:39:59 MSK 2020 | )
what is here problem?