Extend Customer numeric id

Friday, January 31, 2025 1:14:33 AM
  • Posted: Monday, March 9, 2020 12:03 PM
  • 16

we have a requirement to extend a customer numeric identifier like 10001,10002,10003, etc.. (same as order id).
But we are not sure how to implement it to remain compatible with future versions.

Do somebody has any advice?  

  • Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 11:12 AM
  • 953
What do you think about generic attributes? Maybe it will solve your problem.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 11:55 AM
  • 16
Hello, Partryk,
if I have understood it correctly, these are additional attributes that can be filled by the customer.
In our case, however, an automatic incremental number should be assigned during the registration process.
In addition, this attribute should also appear in other modules (e.g. PDF Plugin), so that it can be included on the invoice

So is it possible to create a readonly property and fill it automatic in the create process of a new customer?

  • Posted: Monday, April 27, 2020 12:38 PM
  • 13
Dear GrandNode Team

When I registered as a vendor, I faced error? I really appreciate it if you could guide me?

When I log in as administer, and I go to the vendor's section and click on the vendor's name, I faced this error?

Internal Error
We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
please try clicking your browser 'back' button to try reloading the home page.

If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.

Thank you for your patience.

Sincerely your's
  • Posted: Monday, April 27, 2020 12:54 PM
  • 953
As I wrote you, please paste the error log from System -> Log. Without it I'm not able to track the issue.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Monday, April 27, 2020 12:55 PM
  • 13
When you register as a vendor, sometimes the ID and picture ID are going differently. When I change the ID and Picture ID in MongoDB, the problem is solved. However, I do not understand that's why it happens.

If you could guide me I really appreciate it.
  • Posted: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:05 PM
  • 13

Log level
Short message
Resource string (next) is not found. Language ID = 5e9791f87f8c8e0eb431c3bc

Resource string (next) is not found. Language ID = 5e9791f87f8c8e0eb431c3bc

Log level
Short message
Resource string (locationnotfound.checkgps) is not found. Language ID = 5e9791f87f8c8e0eb431c3bc
  • Posted: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:08 PM
  • 953
It's a warning, not an error. Resource string warning means that you've created new resource string in your theme and it's not translated it Admin panel -> Language -> Resource tstrings.

Please look for something related with the vendor page and your error.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:15 AM
  • 13
Dear Grannode Team,

This is my error:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'image') at Grand.Services.Media.PictureService.ApplyResize(SKBitmap image, SKEncodedImageFormat format, Int32 targetSize) at Grand.Services.Media.PictureService.GetPictureUrl(Picture picture, Int32 targetSize, Boolean showDefaultPicture, String storeLocation, PictureType defaultPictureType) at Grand.Services.Media.PictureService.<>c_DisplayClass23_0.<<GetPictureUrl>b0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Grand.Core.Caching.CacheExtensions.GetAsync[T](ICacheManager cacheManager, String key, Int32 cacheTime, Func`1 acquire) at Grand.Services.Media.PictureService.GetPictureUrl(String pictureId, Int32 targetSize, Boolean showDefaultPicture, String storeLocation, PictureType defaultPictureType) at AspNetCore.Areas_Admin_Views_Shared_EditorTemplates_Picture.ExecuteAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderPageCoreAsync(IRazorPage page, ViewContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderPageAsync(IRazorPage page, ViewContext context, Boolean invokeViewStarts) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderAsync(ViewContext context) at Grand.Framework.TagHelpers.Admin.TemplateRenderer.Render() at Grand.Framework.TagHelpers.Admin.TemplateBuilder.Build() at Grand.Framework.TagHelpers.Admin.AdminInputTagHelper.ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperRunner.<RunAsync>gAwaited|0_0(Task task, TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext, Int32 i, Int32 count) at AspNetCore.Areas_Admin_Views_VendorCreateOrUpdate_TabInfo.ExecuteAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderPageCoreAsync(IRazorPage page, ViewContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderPageAsync(IRazorPage page, ViewContext context, Boolean invokeViewStarts) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorView.RenderAsync(ViewContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.PartialTagHelper.RenderPartialViewAsync(TextWriter writer, Object model, IView view) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.PartialTagHelper.ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperRunner.<RunAsync>gAwaited|0_0(Task task, TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext, Int32 i, Int32 count) at AspNetCore.Areas_Admin_Views_VendorCreateOrUpdate.<>cDisplayClass24_0.<<ExecuteAsync>b13>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperExecutionContext.GetChildContentAsync(Boolean useCachedResult, HtmlEncoder encoder) at Grand.Framework.TagHelpers.Admin.AdminTabContentTagHelper.ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperRunner.<RunAsync>gAwaited|0_0(Task task, TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext, Int32 i, Int32 count) at AspNetCore.Areas_Admin_Views_VendorCreateOrUpdate.<>cDisplayClass24_0.<<ExecuteAsync>b5>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperExecutionContext.GetChildContentAsync(Boolean useCachedResult, HtmlEncoder encoder) at Grand.Framework.TagHelpers.Admin.AdminTabStripItemTagHelper.ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers.TagHelperRunner.<RunAsync>gAwaited|0_0(Task task, TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext, Int32 i, Int32 count) at AspNetCore.Areas_Admin_Views_VendorCreateOrUpdate.<>cDisplayClass24_0.<<ExecuteAsync>b4>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.T…
  • Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:19 AM
  • 953
Which type of image you've uploaded to vendor profile?
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
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