1. Configure Braintree as Payment Gateway (Sandbox Mode, no 3D Secure)
2. Use Multipage Checkout
2. In Checkout we get an 500 Server Error
It seems to be that there is a bug in the Multi Page Checkout with Braintree. When i select Braintree Credit Card Payment in the checkout, i get the following error : Incorrect Content-Type
I inspected the Code and saw that in the Component PaymentBrainTreeViewComponent there is a check if the current request is not GET and after, if the condition not hit, he try to read form data from the Request, but he cant because it is a GET Request and therefore we get a Server Error. In Multipage checkout we use POST for Request and the error doesnt happen.
//set postback values (we cannot access "Form" with "GET" requests)
if (Request.Method != WebRequestMethods.Http.Get)
return View("~/Plugins/Payments.BrainTree/Views/PaymentInfo.cshtml", model);
var form = await HttpContext.Request.ReadFormAsync();
model.CardholderName = form["CardholderName"];
model.CardNumber = form["CardNumber"];
Version: 4.6
Version of MongoDB: v4.2.2
Best regards,