Performance of the grandnode theme vs the grandnode 2 theme

Monday, February 24, 2025 6:28:29 AM
  • Posted: Friday, August 27, 2021 6:04 PM
  • 7
Hello. I noticed that the speed of the new templates has become noticeably worse than it was before.
If we compare the demo of the old and new template, then this difference is clearly noticeable.
Previously, the hero theme was much faster.
Now you can open the demo of the Hero template and the Market template and see the difference in page speed. Is this because the theme was rewritten in Vue and has not yet been optimized?
old theme:
new theme:
  • Posted: Monday, August 30, 2021 7:12 AM
  • 953
First of all, it's hard to compare both sites, because we host them on totally different machines. Secondly, the new demo contains every theme and a few more demo on a single installation, the older demo was independent and contains only a single store. And finally, the final customized, store, should do some optimization stuff to provide better performance.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Monday, August 30, 2021 8:58 AM
  • 7
Thanks for the reply.
I didn't find any settings for combining and minifying JS/CSS, the ability to deliver critical JS/CSS to a string, and deferring all non-critical JS/styles.
The frontend doesn't support esbuild/webpack, right?
  • Posted: Monday, August 30, 2021 9:05 AM
  • 953
Andrei wrote:
Thanks for the reply.
I didn't find any settings for combining and minifying JS/CSS, the ability to deliver critical JS/CSS to a string, and deferring all non-critical JS/styles.
The frontend doesn't support esbuild/webpack, right?

In the GrandNode 2.0 you have a server-side bundling. In the main directory of Grand.Web project, you will find bundleconfig.json file. Inside you can define what should be minified and bundled. If you want, just add the theme files to it and run the bundler directly on the server.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 7:41 AM
  • 953

Use the following command - dotnet tool install --global BundlerMinifier.Core.Tool --version 4.4.6 and then just run the "bundle" command in the main directory of your store. Of course when you customize the bundleconfig.json file.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
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