I'll try to migrate 4.70 to 4.90, but in 4.90 onepagecheckout when I valide order I'm getting this error for all payment method "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')"
We've tried to simulate this issue in our test environment, however, everything works fine. I suppose it may be something related to your environment or changes that you've made. We need to get a more details to try to simulate this issue.
I use Paypal Standard Payment Plugin or our plugin for Verifone, but this 2 methods are wrong and in Visual Studio I can't get debug but only in web browser. You can try it on this url https://blogdev.monticket.re
The final result doesn't help. Wihout more details we are not able to do anything. We've checked both templates, PayPal Standard too. Furthermore, I've configured payment, shipping and tax fees as in your store, and everything is ok. It has to be something different.
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