I fixed this problem before on a previous install, but forgot what I did. Trying to replicate the old setup I have been unable to solve this issue.
Occurs on the homepage. If I recall it was an nginx configuration.
Ubuntu 18.04 setup with nginx and dotnet core 2.1
- latest pull on GrandNode
Some content on this page is not encrypted - after setting up SSL
Sunday, February 23, 2025 6:29:39 PM
$ grep -r "Forwarded" .
./App_Data/appsettings.json: "UseHttpXForwardedProto": true,
./App_Data/appsettings.json: "ForwardedHttpHeader": "",
./App_Data/appsettings.json: "UseForwardedHeaders": true <--- recently set this for testing purposed
sites-available Location directive:
proxy_pass http://localhost:5000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Admin > Configuration > Store
* SSL enabled with the address set to the https://mydomain.com
Appreciate the reply. Appears to be working by setting the Proto forwarding in appsettings.json to false and ForwardedHeaders to true.
- To answer your question. Yes, all of the SSL settings are configured.
Aside: I would move this topic to the Installing and Configuring subsection, if I could.
- To answer your question. Yes, all of the SSL settings are configured.
Aside: I would move this topic to the Installing and Configuring subsection, if I could.
With HA PROXY, the good config for app settings.json is :
"Hosting": {
//Set to "true" the settings below if your hosting uses a load balancer. It'll be used to determine whether the current request is HTTPS
"UseHttpClusterHttps": false,
"UseHttpXForwardedProto": true,
//Use the setting below if your hosting doesn't use "X-FORWARDED-FOR" header to determine IP address.
//In some cases server use other HTTP header. You can specify a custom HTTP header here. For example, CF-Connecting-IP, X-FORWARDED-PROTO, etc
"ForwardedHttpHeader": "",
//Use a reverse proxy server - more information you can find at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/linux-nginx?view=aspnetcore-2.1
"UseForwardedHeaders": true
Without this, I have bug in checkout and cannot pass to payment step. GrandNode return to cart page.
"Hosting": {
//Set to "true" the settings below if your hosting uses a load balancer. It'll be used to determine whether the current request is HTTPS
"UseHttpClusterHttps": false,
"UseHttpXForwardedProto": true,
//Use the setting below if your hosting doesn't use "X-FORWARDED-FOR" header to determine IP address.
//In some cases server use other HTTP header. You can specify a custom HTTP header here. For example, CF-Connecting-IP, X-FORWARDED-PROTO, etc
"ForwardedHttpHeader": "",
//Use a reverse proxy server - more information you can find at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/linux-nginx?view=aspnetcore-2.1
"UseForwardedHeaders": true
Without this, I have bug in checkout and cannot pass to payment step. GrandNode return to cart page.