news and banners

Monday, March 3, 2025 3:10:04 PM
  • Posted: Monday, April 26, 2021 11:55 PM
  • 57
Hello, I have a question about banners - I noticed that you can only add a banner in the widget section without the start date option (activate and deactivate)
as is already the case in, for example, sex in the news
in general, probably most stores have the option to add dates to banners (turn them on and off)
Another question is, is it possible to add an option or do you plan to add an option to upload photos (banners) in the section (widgets / banners or in the news section) for each language?
at the moment, the loaded banner is visible in all other languages ​​of the store,
and it is logical that if we have a multi-lingual store, the banners must also be multi-lingual (by the way it is in my current store and not only mine, but mostly) that you can add a different banner to each language in a different advertising language.

Once again, your "professional" shop disappoints me with the lack of basic options

last question, what is the reason why your shop system hides banners from the widgets section on mobile devices? I don't understand it at all.

  • Posted: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 9:57 AM
  • 953
Marcin wrote:

Once again, your "professional" shop disappoints me with the lack of basic options

Well, feel free to contribute to it, it's open source so you can improve it as a member of the community, we will really appreciate it.
Marcin wrote:

last question, what is the reason why your shop system hides banners from the widgets section on mobile devices? I don't understand it at all.

It's by design, for us it's better to hide banners on mobile. If you want, revert it back.

Marcin wrote:

Hello, I have a question about banners - I noticed that you can only add a banner in the widget section without the start date option (activate and deactivate)...
as is already the case in, for example, sex in the news

Here is the Swiper Slider, more advanced slider widget. If the basic one is not enough for you, you can purchase the more advanced one -
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 2:42 PM
  • 57
that sounds cool and maybe it would be the solution to what he wants.
If it has the option to set the activation date of the selected banner and its deactivation, that's fine.

Does it also allow a banner made in Polish to be uploaded in the Polish language and a banner made in English to be attached to the English version of the page?
if that sounds great i would be happy to buy.

I just wanted to ask about the purchase, I know that when buying, you give the domain and how to solve the problem when it is currently assembled (created) on a temporary domain for obvious reasons because it is in the process of being made.
So how to make a purchase so that the slider now works on the test version of the domain and shop so that it is possible to test (check the functionality) and then it works on a real domain and when the store will be launched in a few months?

  • Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 6:42 AM
  • 33
SwiperSlider does not allow to set dates, thank you for the suggestion.
A slider allows adding different text per different language.

If you require to show a banner, only a banner, why you do not use a default feature of GrandNode which is available at Promotions/Customer actions/Banners? That allows you to add a banner, and at the Customer actions, you may define URL and date range to show a banner.
More info you may find at our docs, like here and here.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 4:06 PM
  • 57
Thanks for the materials sent, but that's completely different.
We are talking about banners that are to be advertising, for example a Valentine's Day banner (for the Polish language) with the content in Polish and for the English language described in English. After clicking, the banner takes us to the promotions section or where the url address has been connected.
The banner should be activated on a specific date and time.
and deactivate the same.
This is what I have in my store now.

  • Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2021 12:20 AM
  • 57

Hello, I don't have the Banners tab in the Promotions section.
Only what is only
- Newsletter
- Discounts
- Customer Actions
- Customer notifications
- Push notifications
  • Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2021 6:40 AM
  • 953

Banners are used to be a reaction to specified customer action. This section has been moved to the Customer action submenu.
Best regards,

GrandNode Team
  • Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2021 11:48 AM
  • 57
Hello, there are actually some options like:
- Client action type
- Customer Actions
- pop up
- Interactive forms

but honestly I do not know what they do and what they give and how to configure it because there are no instructions for it.
It is not known what the author meant by creating it and what it would be useful for, how to work.
I consulted it with others (working on grandnode) and no one really knows what its purpose is, how it works and how to apply it ...
As I mentioned before, it's nice that there are innovations, but there is no simplicity here, there is confusion that you don't know how to set.

why are the simplest things missing Coupons?
So how do I reward customers for subscribing to the newsletter? so far my store, after saving, sent them a discount coupon for a specific amount or percentage, or free shipping.
There is no tool like this ... That is something that is standard in every single store.
I didn't even find a plug for this that could add something like this.

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