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21 May

Safety in MongoDB and cross-platform e-commerce

Safety is one of the most crucial topic in online store management. We will cover this topic in this short article. We will describe the security features in MongoDB 3.6 and GrandNode.
15 May

Machine Learning in GrandNode, cross-platform e-commerce

Nowadays, each company throws buzzwords like "Machine Learning!", "Big Data!", "Artificial Intelligence!", "Marketing Automation!". Is it new for you? Probably not, wherever you look, you will see this words. But you have to ask yourself, is this definitely properly used?
03 Apr

Weekly Tips #6: Improving GrandNode performance

In the next weekly tips article, you will read about improving GrandNode performance. How to make it faster just with one trick. It's very useful if you have static elements in your store, for example, the same categories for a long time.
05 Feb

Weekly Tips #3: Running GrandNode 4.00+ on MongoDB 3.4

Strange problem, but simple solution! Look at the short guide about upgrading GrandNode. After successfull upgrade to GrandNode 4.00+ you won't be able to run it on MongoDB 3.4.
10 Jan

Weekly Tips #2: How to distinguish users from specified URLs?

Second article from our Weekly Tips, how to distinguish users from specified URLs? How to assign a specified tag to customers who visited our store from Facebook, VK, Twitter. It's simple!
09 Jan

Weekly Tips #1: How to set birthday reminder

Automated birthday reminders can be a great reward for your customers, let's learn how to create and use birthday reminders in GrandNode.
05 Dec

37 Tips For Christmas and the rest of Holidays

Christmas time is coming, people are looking for the best gifts for their friends, families. Are you sure, that your store and business will handle it? Look at our 37 tips, how to survive during Christmas and rest of the holidays.
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